Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sex IN the cities

After many escapades in various cities I've lived in and visited, I often find myself telling and retelling these ridiculous stories about my life. To friends, family, even strangers. Everyone loves them. I'm not trying to sound arrogant (even though I may be...I am a Leo after all), but there's just something about each absurd situation that I get myself into, and perhaps the format in which I narrate these tales, that always has people standing there in awe, shock, or laughter.

I suppose you could say I am some female version of Tucker Max, or whatever else douchebag is out there running around making his life entertainment for others. Don't get me wrong--keep in mind that I AM in fact a woman, and therefore have feelings, fall in love, seek serious, monogamous relationships, and desire to eventually get married and have children. But the single life was made for me.

I thrive in it. I love the chase, the game, the catch, the morning after. The weeks after. The months, even the years, or wherever it takes me (Yes, I have had serious relationships). The conquests, the rejections, the orgasms (err, yes, even the fakes), and the teary nights. I am confident, nervous, intimidating, and intimidated.

But knowing that everyone else is going through this same bullshit, and that this bullshit eventually produces a great guy, a fabulous relationship, and of course, some really fantastic sex, makes every day a little bit brighter, and keeps all of us going. Because, when it comes down to it, where would we be without love? (And sex?)

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